me reading it to you-
What you are about to see I call G-d Porn. The One of Us called Sting put it in my head that, unlike poetry, pornography is something that reveals something with no veil of art. It doesn’t seek to explain or describe it but only to reveal it.
Throughout my 20's a mystical experience would descend upon me unexpectedly, unsolicitedly, though regularly. It was akin to the transformation of The Incredible Hulk.
In the first moments, the fact of the imminent metamorphosis from Dr. Bruce Banner to the Hulk just dawning upon him, I'd be in the middle of a crowd, the rain, and feel the dissolution of ego, a tug on what I call "me," and know it was about to be gone leaving only eternity in its wake. I'd seek to put my body somewhere very safe, because it was about to go Very Still. A few times at parties I'd make for a closet.
Lifelong (trans)mission- to capture on film the unsolicited dissolution into the One that recurred for many years. Raw. Heart core. // To capture in word, sound, and image that which can take us beyond word, sound, and image.
No words live in the realm of what we are, this oneness. In that oneness, the one who’d like to tell all about it ceases to exist, as do all the troubles of the world that makes the telling urgent.
Upon emerging, though, urgency returned, without modality to communicate it. After years of this happening, I turned to film.
This that we are, as different from mundane perception as the reality on earth is from the moon. After years of sitting front row in a seemingly empty theater to the most astounding show that ever was, with the last of separate consciousness, before it would slip away completely, my "me" would aim some sort of camera in my body's general direction, then slip slip away. It wanted to catch This That Happened, without artifice, filter or description.
G-d Porn.
Just. What. Is-
Revealed. As. We. Are.
( thank you for being. )
optional intro:
film by the One of Us called Roger Ingraham.
description of "G-d Porn."